Radio, the online multiplier

KV-tutkimus: Radio, the online multiplier

In a media world increasingly dominated by the internet and search engines, how do you ensure customers are specifically seeking out your brand online? RAB research study – ‘Radio: The Online Multiplier’ – suggests that an answer lies in the use of offline media, like radio.

Exposure to radio boosts brand browsing by 52%

Average uplift in brand browsing online across 23 campaigns

This is the first major research study to quantify how actual exposure to offline media influences actual consumer interaction with brands online, and reveals how:

  • Exposure to radio advertising boosts brand browsing by an average of 52%
  • Radio is on average 4x more cost-effective at stimulating brand browsing online than other media combined
  • Uplifts vary widely between brands – the best performer achieves cost-effectiveness of 12x other media
  • There are significant differences in uplift across different sectors, with brands in web-centric categories performing better on average
  • Radio has an immediate effect on browsing – over half of browsing that we identified as having been stimulated by radio takes place within 24 hours of exposure to advertising
  • Creativity is a crucial factor in optimising Radio’s Online Multiplier Effect
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